Giulia Aiudi


Giulia Aiudi focuses primarily on domestic and international commercial contracting, international trade law, as well as litigation, arbitration and mediation proceedings. She represents the firm within the networks IGAL and Interlegal and takes care of the firm’s international relationships. She is a civil and commercial mediator as well as an accredited trainer in mediation at the Scuola Superiore dell’Avvocatura and other training organizations and is a speaker at conferences on negotiation, mediation and arbitration. Giulia graduated in Law in 2003 from the University of Urbino. Since then he has been taking care of her education by participating in specialized courses in business law as well as seminars on civil and commercial law and national and international contracts. She has earned a master’s degree in law and society in 2003 from the IISL (International Institute for the Sociology of Law) of Onati, Spain, a master’s degree in mediation and conciliation in 2004 from Istituto Carlo Amore, Milan, Italy, and subsequently worked as an intern in 2005 and then 2006 at the National Conflict Resolution Center in San Diego, USA. Since 2016, she has been a member of the Commission on ADR of the Consiglio Nazionale Forense (the Italian Bar Council). A former member of the Executive Committee, since 2021 she has been responsible for Central Italy for conflict management in companies for U.N.A.M. – Unione Nazionale Avvocati per la Mediazione (the national association of lawyers and mediators). Giulia practices in Italian, English and Spanish.

Posizione:  Associate
Tel: +39 0721.379234

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